Association shall be known as
- Level : Kebangsaan
registered address is
9, Jalan SS 2/64, S. E. A. Park, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.or at such other place or places as may from time to time be decided on by the committee;and the postal address is
9, Jalan SS 2/64, S. E. A. Park, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. - The registered and postal addresses shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.
Its objects are:-
- To promote educational, cultural, recreational and welfare activities that are beneficial to the members.
- To coordinate and achieve common objectives with other registered societies.
- To provide goodwill, unity, and cultural exchange among the people of the country.
- To concern and react if necessary on current affairs which are relevant to members.
There shall be two types of membership:-
- Ordinary membership is opened to Malaysian students who used to study at National Taiwan University.
- Associate membership is opened to the following:-
- Graduates or past students or former staff of National Taiwan University who are now staying in Malaysia but not citizens of this country.
- The Ordinary Member’s spouse and adult children.
- Prominent personage, professional people who have special contribution to the Association, society and country.
- Every application for membership shall fill in the prescribed form which shall be submitted together with entrance fee to the Secretary who shall submit it to the Committee for approval.
- For any applicant whose application has not been approved as aforesaid, the prescribed entrance fee shall be refunded to the applicant.
- Those who would like to withdraw need to inform the Association in writing, and the application shall become effective after the approval of the Committee. These withdrawn members not only shall have no rights to claim for any fees or donations they have previously contributed, but also must pay up money owed to the Association and return their membership card.
- The entrance fee for an ordinary member is One Hundred Ringgit (RM100.00), and the applicants shall become life members after the approval of the Committee.
- The entrance fee for an associate member is Fifty Ringgit (RM50.00). and the applicants shall become Life Associate Member after the approval of the Committee.
- Under special circumstances, the Committee shall approve and exempt any applicants from paying his entrance fee.
- To pay entrance fee and other charges in accordance with these rules.
- To abide by these rules and resolution of Annual General Meeting.
- To attend Annual General Meeting.
- To protect the interests of the Accociation.
- Ordinary Members shall have the following priveleges 90 days after the application for membership is approved:-
- To elect
- To be elected
- To voice opinions
- To vote
- To be entitled to all other privileges specifiedin these rules.
- Associate Members shall be entitled to privileges as per specified in Clause 4 except (a)(b)(d) of Rule 4.
- Members may lose their membership for one of the following reasons:
- Upon death
- Relinquishment of membership
- The Committee has decided to terminate the membership with a two-third majority vote.
- Members who have lost their membership shall have no rights to claim for any fees or donations they have previously contributed.
- Members who have lost their membership, whose positions in the Association shall automatically be terminated.
- The member concerned is entitled to appeal at the General Meeting. The decision reached at the Annual General Meeting is deemed final.
The supreme
authority of the Association is vested in the general meeting of
the members. At least one tenth of the life members or 1.5 times of
the Committee members depending whichever is less must be present at
an annual general
meeting for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a quorum. - The Annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as possible after the close of each financial year, but in any case not later than the month of April of that year. The date, time and venue will be decided by the Committee. Should the Annual General Meeting be postponed under special circumstances, the later date cannot exceed 60 days, and the agenda are as follows:
- To approve the quorum for the meeting.
- To elect the chairman and minutes-taker of the meeting.
- To approve and review the minutes of the previous annual general meeting.
- To examine and receive the annual activity report.
- To examine and receive the financial report.
- To consider proposals.
- To elect a Committee (during the election year) according to the stipulations of this Constitution
Any other
The chairman shall be elected at the general meeting and shall hold the meeting according to the stipulations of the Association’s Constitution. Any proposals at the general meeting or the votes are the same at the election. The chairman shall have power to cast a decisive vote. - A notice of the annual general meeting stating the date, the time and the place shall be sent by the Secretary to all members not later than 14 days before the date fixed for the meeting, and this notice shall also be prominently displayed at the registered office or place of meeting of the Association
- The Secretary shall also send to all members at least 14 days before the meeting an agenda including copies of minutes and reports together with the audited accounts of the Association for the previous year. Copies of these documents will also be made available at the registered office or place of meeting of the Association for perusal of members.
- An extraordinary general meeting of the Association shall be convened under the following circumstances:
- Whenever the Committee deems it desirable, or
- At the joint request in writing of at least thirty Ordinary members, stating the objectives and reasons for such a meeting.
- An extraordinary general meeting requisitioned by members shall be convened by the president for a date within thirty days of the receipt of such requisition, failing which the requisitionists may by themselves convene the meeting within 20 days. The representative of the requisitionists (elected among requisionists themselves) shall send the notice of the meeting to all the members not later than 14 days. The quorum of this meeting will be the same as the quorum of the annual general meeting. If the quorum is insufficient, the extraordinary meeting shall be cancelled, and no extraordinary general meeting shall be held for the same purpose until after the lapse of at least six months from the date thereof
- The Secretary or the representative of the requisitionists (elected among the requisisionists themselves) shall forward to all members a copy of the minutes of the extraordinary general meeting within 20 days after its conclusion. Its effectiveness shall be the same as the general meeting.
- The amendments of the Constitutions shall be approved during the annual general meeting and shall take effect from the date of the approval by the Registrar of Societies.
- A Committee of 19 officers which consists of the following, shall be termed the office-bearers of the Association and to carry out the resolution of the annual meeting. The term of office shall be of two years. All committee members shall be entitled for re-election. However, no President shall serve for more than two consecutive terms.
- The following 14 officers of the committee shall be elected by ballot at each alternate Annual General Meeting from the life members of the Association:
- One President
- One Deputy President
- Two Vice-President
- One Treasurer
- One Vice-Treasurer
- Eight Ordinary Committee members
To appoint Secretary, Assistant Secretary and three Ordinary
Committee Members:
- One Secretary, He/She will be directly appointed by the elected President, and will be entitled to all privileges as the elected Committee.
- One Assistant Secretary, He/she will be directly appointed by the elected President, and will be entitled to all privileges as the elected Committee.
- To appoint Committee Members three Ordinary Committee members. They shall be nominated by the elected President and be approved by the Committee, and shall be entitled to all privileges as the elected Committee.
- The function of the Committee is to carry out the resolution and handle the internal and external affairs of the Association laid down by the general meeting and is in accordance with the Constitutions. The Committee shall submit the activity report and financial report to the general meeting. After received and approved by the general meeting, they shall be submitted to the Registrar of Societies within 60 days. Before submitting to the Registrar of Societies, the documents must be examined and checked by the Committee.
- The Committee has the power to appoint an ad hoc committee to amend the Constitutions. The amended Constitutions shall be approved at the general meeting and shall take effect from the date of the approval by the Registrar of Societies.
- The meeting shall be given to the Committee members either by sending messages, emailing or phoning. At least one half of the Committee members must be present for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a quorum.
Where any
urgent matter requiring the approval of the Committee arises and it is
not possible to convene a meeting, the Secretary may obtain such approval by means of a circular letter. The following conditions must be fulfilled before decision of the Committee is deemed to have been obtained:-
- The issue must be clearly set out in the circular and forwarded to all members of the Committee through email or messages. All the Committee members must indicate if they approve in writing, and the Secretary shall organise the member’s proposals and put them in files.
- At least one-half of the members of the Committee must indicate whether they are in favour or against the proposal, and the method of voting is the same as the normal Committee.
- Any decision obtained by circular letter shall be reported by the Secretary to the next Committee meeting and recorded in the minutes thereof.
- Any member of the Committee who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Committee without giving reasons of absence, the Committee shall decide to terminate his/her position.
- In the event of the death or resignation of a member of the Committee, or due to legal issues, the candidate who received the next highest number of votes at the previous election for the post affected shall be invited to fill the vacancy. If such candidate declines to accept office, the Committee shall have the power to co-opt any other life member of the Association to fill the vacancy until the next re-election.
- The Committee shall give instructions for the conduct of the affairs of the Association. The Committee may employ staff to assist in dealing with business as it deems necessary. It may terminate or dismiss the staff for incompetence or dereliction of duty.
- Re-election of Committee:
- The Election Commission shall be established 30 days before the re-election. The Committee will name a three-member Election Commission including patrons or senior life members. Members of the Election Commission shall not participate in the re-election. The Election Commission will automatically dissolve when the officebearers of the new Committee are sworn in.
- Candidates shall declare that they are life members, have not breached the nation's law and are not bankrupt. If they are elected and are found different from the foregoing facts, they shall lose their qualification as the Committee members.
- Candidates must take a nomination form and indicate the position they would like to run for. They shall be nominated by a life member and seconded by another. A completed nomination form will have to be submitted to the Election Commission at least seven days before the election. Should there be any disputes in the candidates, the Election Commission will have the final ruling, and there cannot be anymore disputes.
- The Election Commission will issue a written notification or send messages of the results of nomination within three days upon receipt of the nomination form and examination of the candidates' qualification, or the list of candidates and positions run for will also be announced on the Association’s website or media.
- Should there be no candidates nominated, or insufficient number of candidates nominated prior to the annual general meeting, nomination and seconded can be conducted on the spot. If the candidates are not at the meeting site, a letter of agreement for the nomination needs to be produced. The candidates must meet the requirements of the election mentioned above. The results of the election will be announced within 7 days.
The handover
of the old and new Committee
- After the re-election of the Committee, the previous Committee must hand over all the Association’s files, stamp, society registration certificate, equipment, furniture along with an inventory within 14 days to the new Committee.
- The ceremony of the handover is represented by three members in the new Committee including the Vice-President or anyone with the position above, the Secretary and the Treasurer. Meanwhile, the previous Committee is also represented by three members including the Vice-President or anyone with the position above, the Secretary and the Treasurer. There shall be at least one patron witnessing the handover.
- The President shall during his term of office preside at all the meetings of the Committee and other meetings, but excluding the general meeting. The President shall represent the Association to deal with the internal and external affairs. However, in terms of major topic to speak to the media or reporting to the government organisation, the President must have the authorisation from the Committee. If the number of votes is the same during a meeting, he shall have the casting vote and shall sign the minutes of each meeting at time they are approved. He shall, in conjunction with the Secretary or Treasurer, sign all cheques on behalf of the Association.
- The Deputy President shall assist the President in carrying out his duties and shall act on behalf of the President during his absence, and obtain the President or the Committee’ authorisation to deal with affairs.
- The Vice-President shall assist the President and the Deputy President in carrying out their duties. He can also deal with part of the affairs indicated by the Committee. In the absence of the President and the Deputy President, the President or the Committee can authorise him to deal with the affairs.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for all the internal and external paperwork of the Association. He/she shall create a file, take care of the Association’s stamp, previous business reports, minutes of the Committee meetings, society registration certificate, immovable property, rental agreement and setting up members’ files. All the electronic file information must be updated half yearly and given to the vice-President or person above for safekeeping. After the general meeting, he/she shall be responsible to submit the activity report and the financial report checked and passed by the Committee to the Society Registrar within 60 days.
- The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in carrying out his/her duties and shall act for him/her in his/her absence.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the Association. He shall submit the year -end financial report to the general meeting for approval. He should also file away the previous financial reports for inquiries. He shall be responsible to take care of the financial stamp, check book and monthly statement from the bank. He shall, in conjunction with the President, the Deputy President and the Secretary (any two of the four officers) can sign all cheques on behalf of the Association.
- The Vice-Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in carrying out his financial duties and shall act for him in his absence.
- Ordinary Committee Members shall assist in the management of the affairs of the Association.
- The Association’s Representatives abroad or delegates attending any external activities or meetings shall be appointed by the Committee, and carry out the resolution of the Committee. Should he not follow the instructions of the Committee, the Committee has the power to terminate his appointment.
- Due to the need of the business, the Committee has the power to set up a liaison office all over the country, and appoint a liaison officer to deal with the local affairs. The officer can appoint the local members and relevant personal if necessary to assist in dealing with the businesses. Should there be important business, he shall attend the report of the Committee meeting, and his term of office is the same as the Committee. The Committee has the power to dismiss any liaison offices or terminate the liaison officer’s authority or appoint any other members to replace him.
- The Committee has the right to set up or dismiss the project unit and the foundation, appoint relevant supervisor or professional to lead the unit to complete the tasks and be responsible for the Committee. The setting up of the foundation must be approved by the general meeting to be valid. Should there be important business, he should attend the report of the Committee meeting, and his term of office is the same as the Committee.
- The Association’s bank savings are divided into business account and special fund account. The business account is only limited to the use in the business development operation. The special fund account can only be used in related expenses. Should the special fund account be used for other purposes, it must be approved in the general meeting.
- The Treasurer may hold a petty cash advance not exceeding five thousand Ringgit at any one time. All money in excess of this sum shall within ten days of receipt be deposited in the Association’s bank account.
- All cheques for payment shall be signed by any two of the four officers namely the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The President is the main signer. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President can sign in his place.
- The President and Secretary shall jointly approve any expenditure below RM10,000. The Committee is authorised to approve expenditure below RM50,000. Any expenditure exceeding RM50,000 shall have to be approved at the Annual General Meeting.
- As soon as possible after the end of each financial year, the financial report for the year shall be prepared and audited by the Auditors. The audited accounts shall be submitted for approval in the next annual general meeting, and be submitted to the Society Registrar.
Two non-office bearers of the Association shall be
appointed at the AGM. Their term of office is the same as the Committee.
They shall be responsible for auditing the yearly financial report.
Members who have accounting qualifications and with
auditing experience shall be the preferred candidates. A professional
accountant can also be employed to do the accounting and auditing work. He
shall prepare a report for the annual general meeting.
- Property administrator: The Committee is the Association’s property administrator, and has the power to appoint three Committee members to deal with the Association’s property lease, repair and related matters.
- Trustees:
- The Committee has the power to nominate five trustees. They must be approved by over half of the quorum members at the annual general meeting, and their names will be submitted to the Society Registrar.
- The Secretary and the Treasurer cannot be appointed as the trustees.
Should there be discrepancies in the Constitutions between the Chinese version and the English version, the English version submitted to the Registrar of Societies shall be used as the norm.
The previous President, Deputy President, Vice-President or members who have contributed to the Association can be chosen as patrons in the Committee meeting. Their term of office is the same as the Committee. -
Honorary patrons:
Members who have special contributions to the Association or the country can be appointed as honorary patrons at the annual general meeting. Their term of office shall be the same as the Committee. -
Reputed patrons:
The society’s prominent personages who have contributions to the Association can be appointed as reputed patrons at the annual general meeting. Their term of office shall be the same as the Committee. -
Legal advisers:
The Committee has the power to appoint members who have national legal profession or professionals as legal advisers. Their term of office shall be the same as the Committee.
- Illegal activities are strictly prohibited in the Association.
- The Association’s fund cannot be used to repay any member’s fine for offence.
- Any members shall not, in the name of the Association, get involved in politics, economics or to carry out activities that violate the objectives of the Association.
- The President, the Committee members and members shall not, in the name of the Association, make any statements on any subjects to the news, books and magazines, and communication media.
- Any members shall not destroy the Association’s name or to criticise the Association’s business affairs in the public.
- The Association shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Association or its office-bearers, committee or members, unless a licence has been obtained from the proper Authority.
These rules may not be altered or amended except by resolution of the general meeting. After being submitted to the Committee for checking within 60 days, such alteration or amendments shall take effect from the date of the approval by the Registrar of Societies.
- The Association shall be dissolved by a resolution of not less than four-fifths of the members who attend the general meeting.
- In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on its behalf shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds and immovable property shall be disposed of in such manner as may be decided upon by the general meeting.
- Notice of dissolution will be given in writing by the Committee within 30 days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.
Description -
The supreme suthority of the Association is vested in a general meeting of the members. -
A Committee of fifteen members of which eleven committee members shall be elected by ballot at the relevant Annual General Meeting and the other four committee members shall be recommended by elected President and appointed by the elected committee -
The Committee shall have power to appoint a number of members to form sub-committee in charge of various functions. - The Committee may appoint suitable number of coordinators who are members of the Association to take charge of coordination among members in various states of Malaysia.
Past presidents, deputy presidents and vice-presidents of the Association and persons who have rendered meritorious services to the Association may be elected by the general meeting as Patrons of the Association. -
When the Association acquires immovable property, five trustees shall be elected at a General Meeting of Members to hold in trust, the property according to the proper legal procedure.
—— *The
Constitution had been approved by the office of the Registrar of Societies
Malaysia (ROS) 20171505*——